
aden+anais dancing tigers 4-pack classic swaddles

aden + anais sérhæfir sig í lúxus sjölum (swaddles) til að reifa börn, stórum taubleyjum sem eru hugsuð til ýmissa nota. Viðtökurnar við vörum fyrirtækisins hafa ekki látið á sér standa og er varla til Hollywoodstjarna sem er í foreldrahlutverkinu sem ekki á sjölin frá aden + anis. Er ekki oft sagt að stjörnurnar velji aðeins það besta ?


Í aldaraðir hafa mæður reifað börnin sín í muslin sjöl. adain + anais sjá til þess að þessi hefð haldist með framleiðslu á súpermjúkum sjölum með tískumiðuðum printum sem segja allt um þinn stíl en á sama tíma tengja þig við mæður heimins ?


Muslin er eitt hreinasta, einfaldasta, mildasta og að mati aden+anais eitt fullkomnasta efni í heimi. Með muslin er átt við fínofið efni sem loftar einstaklega vel og er talið eiga uppruna sinn að rekja til Bangladess á miðöldum.


Það sem gerir muslin jafn töfrandi og raun ber vitni er fyrst og fremst hversu vel það loftar. Opinn vefnaður og léttir þræðir gefa flæði lofts greiða leið, jafnframt dregur úr líkunum á ofhitnun. Þessi einstöku gæði muslinsins veita barninu þínu þægindi og öryggi.


Muslin er einnig endingargott. Náttúruleg efni úr muslin hafa einstaklega góða endingu og standast tímans tönn og eldast mjög vel. Öll muslin efnin eru þvegin eftir framleiðslu og því eru þau silkimjúk frá upphafi, en mýkjast enn frekar við hvern þvott.


Fíngerður en endingargóður vefnaður muslin efnanna, er einnig sveigjanlegur, sem gerir það að verkum að efnin gefa mjúklega eftir.


Klassísku sjölin frá aden+anais eru gerð úr 100% muslin bómull. Þau lofta einstaklega vel, eru silkimjúk og til margra hluta nytsamleg.


Silky soft sjölin frá aden+anais eru gerð úr 100% muslin bambustrefjum. Þau lofta einstaklega vel, mýktin er einstök og til margra hluta nytsamleg.


+Sjölin eru 120cm*120cm

+Sjölin eru úr 100% muslin bómull sem andar sérlega vel og um leið minnkar líkur á ofhitnun barnsins

+Sjölin eru silkimjúk og halda sér einstaklega vel þvott eftir þvott

+Miklir notkunarmöguleikar; hægt að nota á kerrur og vagna, á skiptidýnuna, sem ropklút, teppi fyrir barnið til að liggja á, sjal við brjóstagjöfina o.s.frv.

13.990 kr.

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Vörunúmer: AA-ASWC40008-1 Flokkar: , , ,

For generations, parents have cared for their babies with muslin. Breathable, versatile and pre-washed, our cotton muslin baby swaddle blanket ensures baby has ultimate comfort at bedtime and beyond.

Soft as a mother’s touch, the do-it-all fabric helps simplify what can be a chaotic time. No matter how you’re using our 100% cotton muslin swaddle—pram cover, burp cloth or nursing cover to name just a few—it surrounds your little one in comfy goodness round the clock.

Our muslin is pre-washed so it’s super soft from the start and stays that way wash after wash. Created by a mum on a mission to comfort babies in the best way possible while making parents’ lives simpler, our award-winning original swaddle continues to set the standard worldwide.

what is muslin?
one of the purest, simplest, most gentle and, in our opinion, most perfect fabrics in the world

Muslin refers to a finely-woven breathable fabric. It is believed to have originated in Bangladesh during the Middle Ages.* One of the purest, simplest, most gentle and, in our opinion, most perfect fabrics in the world, here at aden + anais we are big believers in muslin’s long legacy of bringing caregivers and babies together.

What makes muslin so magical, you ask? First and foremost, its breathability. The open weave and lightweight fabric of muslin allows for airflow, reducing the risk of overheating. This quality helps keep your baby comfortable and safe, resulting in your peace of mind.

Muslin is also durable. Weaving a product in the natural fiber of muslin makes it a workhorse fabric, giving it the ability to withstand countless washes—a huge plus for parents. Not to mention it gets even better with age. All of our muslin is pre-washed, so it starts out soft and becomes even softer each time you wash it. The delicate yet durable weave of muslin also evokes a stretchiness with a ‘natural give’, allowing a muslin swaddle to be tucked snuggly around your baby without being overly restrictive.

So, now the only question that remains is which one of our muslin materials is right for you and your little one?

classic muslin: Made from 100% cotton muslin for comforting breathability, touchable softness, and the ultimate in versatility.

silky soft muslin: Combines the breathability and versatility of muslin with rayon made from bamboo for off-the-charts softness.

Benefits of Swaddling

It is said to be familiar to babies, as it recreates the secure and cozy feeling of the womb. It has also been said that swaddling babies prevents spontaneous movements called the moro or startle reflex from waking them*—which allows for a much more peaceful night’s sleep. In his wildly popular baby care book, The Happiest Baby on the Block (2003), famed American pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp touts the magical qualities of swaddling, among them soothing crying babies and lulling them to sleep. He explains that swaddling triggers a “relaxation” mechanism in infants that helps soothe them.* And some touch therapists say that swaddling can even help develop an infant’s tactile system so they become comfortable with being touched, which is key to healthy development.*

While we now have the scientific evidence to prove it, swaddling’s ability to soothe and calm babies has been known around the world for centuries. The oldest archaeological evidence of mothers swaddling their babies begins in 4000 B.C. with the migrating peoples of ancient central Asia. The ancient Greeks and Romans swaddled. There are even biblical references to the practice.*

Born and raised in Australia, aden + anais co-founder Raegan Moya-Jones grew up with her native land’s time-honored practice of swaddling babies in cotton muslin blankets. For countless generations, Aussie parents have comforted and secured their children in this supremely soft, breathable fabric. In 2006, Raegan introduced the first muslin swaddle blanket to the United States, and aden + anais’ award-winning original swaddle continues to set the standard worldwide.

The beauty of swaddling a baby is in its simplicity. If you have muslin and two loving hands, you can’t go wrong. Learning how to swaddle a baby step by step requires love and attention, but how to wrap a baby is probably easier than you may think. The key to swaddling a baby is really just about finding swaddle techniques and establishing swaddle steps routine that both you and your little one are most comfortable with.

If you’re wondering what is the best way to swaddle, look no further than the soft muslin blankets that makes swaddling infants not just easy–but adorable, too. The answer to how to wrap a baby in a blanket doesn’t need to be complicated. In fact, discovering the ins and outs of swaddling with a muslin blanket is one of the safest and most effective ways of calming and soothing a baby.

Pediatricians suggest swaddle techniques and proper swaddle methods so that new parents can offer their newborns and infants safety while they sleep. The best part about learning how to swaddle with a muslin blanket is that muslin is soft-to-the-touch and incredibly breathable, meaning that baby won’t overheat. Muslin also provides a bit of stretch, making it a less confining material for common swaddling methods. Following the below swaddling instructions will ensure that both baby and parents find comfort at nap time and bedtime!

Swaddling methods in Just 5 Simple Steps – see pictures.