Dew Baby Skin Cleansing WaterDew Baby Skin Cleansing Water

Dew Baby Cleansing Water 100% náttúrulegt sótthreinsivatn – 500ml

Dew er frábær náttúlegur sótthreinsir úr sömu formúlu og Aquaint sótthreinsivatnið sem við þekkjum svo vel.


* FJÖLNOTA SÓTTHREINSIR – Fyrir hendur, húð, ofl.

* SÓTTHREINSUN Á FERÐINNI – Fyrir pela, snuð, barnastóla, leikföng o.fl.

* HÆGT AÐ NOTA FRÁ FÆÐINGU – Fyrir viðkvæma húð á allan líkamann

* ENGIN HÆTTULEG EFNI, ILMEFNI EÐA ROTVARNARENI – Engar leifar og engin þörf á að skola eftir notkun



Dew er einstakur, byltingarkenndur og fjölnota sótthreinsir sem inniheldur 100% NÁTTÚRULEG efni sem drepa 99,9% baktería á örfáum sekúndum. Vatn er aðaluppistaðan ásamt NÁTTÚRULEGRI SÝRU (Hypochlorus sýra) sem einnig finnst í mannslíkamanum til að berjast við bakteríu og gerla.


Dew hefur hlotið viðurkenningu frá bresku ofnæmissamtökunum sem vara sem hentar ofnæmissjúklingum (‘Allergy Friendly Product’)



– Það inniheldur ekkert alkóhól, engin ilmefni, engin rotvarnarefni eða skaðleg efni

– Það skilur ekki eftir sig leifar af efnum og þarf því ekki að skola eða hreinsa eftir notkun

– Það þurrkar ekki eða veldur óþægindum á húð. 

– Það er milt, öflugt og mjög öruggt í notkun

– Það má nota eins oft og þörf er á

– Það er öruggt til nota á meðgöngu og á húð nýbura. Einnig hentar það viðkvæmri húð


1.590 kr.

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Dew Baby Skin Cleansing Water
  • 100% MINERAL: Dew Baby Skin Cleansing Water is gentle on baby’s skin and can be safely used on the body from birth. It’s antimicrobial action provides added safety when cleansing dummies, teething toys, or anything else your baby has dropped on the floor!
  • EASY TO USE: No need to dilute or rinse. It is so gentle it can be sprayed directly on to baby’s skin. It can be left to dry naturally or wiped clean with a washable cloth or tissue. Alternately, spray onto a cotton pad or reusable cloth to wipe baby hygienically clean. It is not harmful if accidentally swallowed or inhaled.
  • NATURE’S PROTECTOR: Dew Baby Skin Cleansing Water is a hypoallergenic anti-bacterial skin cleanser that utilises electrolysed water, salt and science – Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl). The same substance that nature creates in our bodies to fight infection and keep us safe. Dew Baby is free from alcohol, parabens, scents or dyes, in fact there are no added chemicals of any kind. That is why it is hypoallergenic, non-irritant, pH skin compatible, vegan friendly and gentle on baby’s delicate skin. Dew Baby is also safe for babies who suffer from nappy rash, cradle cap and infantile eczema.
  • SAFETY: Dew Baby’s antimicrobial properties are 99.995% effective and certified by Allergy UK.


Environmental impact

Baby Skin Cleansing Water is refillable, saving you money and reducing plastic waste. If you use it with a washable cloth or tissue, it also helps reduce wet wipe use. Together these attributes have a significant impact on our environment, helping to reduce your carbon footprint and prevent hundreds of wipes from polluting our oceans. Did you know? The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) recorded an average of 12 wipes per 100 metres of coastline. Dew Baby is 100% biodegradable, kind to the environment and we don’t produce any waste bi-products when creating Dew Baby.


Dew Products enhance the power of minerals using science to create safe, reliable yet highly effective, hypoallergenic skin cleanser manufactured in Scotland. Dew – the world’s kindest cleaning product.


INGREDIENTS: Over 99.8% electrolysed water plus a tiny amount of salt and, hypochlorous acid (which is produced naturally by our body’s immune system).


Also available in 65ml units