Difrax natural S-peli 250 ml úr gleri
The glass S-bottle 250ml has a patented anti-colic system in the bottom for prevention of intestinal cramps, burps and spitting.
The glass baby bottle is made of durable, light borosilicate glass. The glass S-bottle is suitable for a maximum of 250 ml and is supplied with a small silicone teat. The special coating on the Difrax teat provides extra grip. The bottle teat has a soft round nipple-shaped teat that resembles the mother’s breast. This makes it easy to combine breast and bottle feeding.
We understand that having a baby brings many challenges. That is why our S-bottle offers you all the help you need to enjoy quiet feeding moments. Our baby bottle can be used from birth and is the best bottle in combination with breastfeeding. The glass S-bottle 250 ml blue has a patented anti-colic system in the bottom for prevention of intestinal cramps, burps and spitting.
Thanks to the ventil, together with the unique S-shape, air is mixed with food so that nutritional values and vitamins C, A and E stay optimal preserved. The constant supply of air from the bottom of the S-bottle prevents vacuum so that your baby can drink without any problems. When feeding with the S-bottle you are automatically in the correct, natural position. Even when the bottle is almost empty, the teat is still completely filled with milk so the food can be given in the same position. This makes every feeding moment from beginning to end a relaxing moment for you and your child.
Please note: even though the glass S-bottle is made of extra strong glass, it is fragile.
Difrax natural S-peli 250 ml úr gleri!
* S-pelinn fyrir krílin og krakkana gerður úr gleri!(létt og endingargott bórsílikatgler)
Athugið – þótt pelinn sé gerður úr extra sterku gleri, þá er hann samt sem áður brothættur!
Difrax natural S-peli 250 ml úr gleri hefur sömu eiginleika og klassíski S-pelinn sem hefur verið í uppáhaldi hjá börnum og foreldrum vegna hins einstaka „anti-colic“ loks og S-lögunar pelans . – Þessir eiginleikar pelans tryggja stöðugt og jafnt flæði vökvans. – Eiginleikarnir koma í veg fyrir tómarúmssog hjá barninu úr pelanum, sem aftur tryggir jafnt og stöðugt flæði vökvans og gerir barninu kleift að drekka án þess að innbyrgða umfram óþarfa loft. – Þannig draga hinir sérstöku eiginleikar úr líkunum á óþarfa magakrampa, ristilkrampa, hægðatregðu, ropa, bakflæði og uppköst af völdum umfram lofts.