708-Natural-handles on Sbottle 170-250ml-grey-white708-Natural-handles on Sbottle 170-250ml-grey-white

Difrax S-pelahandföng 2 stk.

* 2 handföng í pakka, sem passa á natural S-pelana, bæði 170ml og 250ml.

* Litlar hendur eiga mjög auðvelt með að halda í handföngin, sem gerir barninu kleift að læra að drekka sjálft úr pelanum.

* Það er einfalt að festa handföngin á vinsælu S-pelana. Lögun handfanganna tryggir að barnið haldi S-pelanum lárétt þegar það drekkur. Þannig fæst stöðugt flæði.

* Anti-colic lokið í S-pelunum minnkar líkurnar á óþarfa uppþembu, magakrampa, ristilkrampa, hægðatregðu, ropa, bakflæði og uppköst af völdum umfram lofts.

* Difrax vörurnar eru þróaðar í samvinnu við læknateymi sem m.a. samanstendur af barnalæknum, talmeinatæknum, tannlæknum, mjólkursérfræðingum og næringarráðgjöfum.

Allar Difrax vörurnar eru BPA fríar.

2.085 kr.

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The gray and white Difrax Easy grip handles for the S-baby bottle Natural can be attached to the S-baby bottle 170 ml and 250 ml.

The handles are easily held by little hands, allowing your baby to learn to drink from the baby bottle by themselves.

The handles are easy to fasten to this popular Difrax baby bottle.

The special shape of the handles ensures that your baby will keep the S-baby bottle horizontally when drinking. As a result, there is a constant flow of nutrition. The anti-colic valve reduces the risks of colic, burping, reflux, vomiting and stomach cramps. Available in several bright colors.


– Facilitates self-feeding of baby milk in the S-baby bottle
– Easy to hold by small hands
– The special shape of the handles ensures a constant flow of nutrition


BPA free babyproduct


The Difrax Easy grip handles for the S-baby bottle Natural can be attached to the S-baby bottle 170 ml and 250 ml. The handles are easily held by little hands, allowing your baby to learn to drink from the baby bottle by themselves.


The handles are easy to fasten to this popular Difrax baby bottle. The special shape of the handles ensures that your baby will keep the S-baby bottle horizontally when drinking. As a result, there is a constant flow of nutrition. The anti-colic valve reduces the risks of colic, burping, reflux, vomiting and stomach cramps. Available in several bright color