Lola&lykke Nipple teats 2-pack

Silkimjúkar pelatúttur fyrir pelann frá Lola&Lykke (pelinn fylgir með brjóstapumpunni).


Tútturnar líkja eftir lögun og áferð brjósta og henta því einstaklega vel fyrir blandaða gjöf, þ.e.a.s. brjósta- og pelagjöf.


Tútturnar koma 2 stykki saman í pakka, í þremur stærðum.


  • Anti-colic eiginleiki, sem spornar gegn söfnun lofts, uppþembu og óþægindum.
  • Silkimjúka túttur sem líkaja eftir áferð og lögun brjósts.
  • Tútturnar líkja einnig eftir lögun geirvörtunnar og henta því sérstaklega vel fyrir blandaða gjöf.
  • Lögun túttanna gerir það að verkum að barnið á auðvelt með að ná góðu gripi á þeim.
  • Loftventlar sem stuðlar að minni loftinntöku og meiri þægindum fyrir barnið.
  • Án allra BPA-efna.
  • Túttur fyrir pelann frá Lola&Lykke.


Hvert barn er einstakt, en til viðmiðunar er mælt með að:

  • 0+M túttur með hægu flæði, henti frá fæðingu og að sirka 3 mánaða aldri. Sérstaklega hannaðar fyrir nýbura. Þessi stærð fylgir með brjóstapumpunni.
  • 3+M túttur með miðlungs flæði, henti frá sirka 3-6 mánaða aldri. Gerðar úr extra mjúku sílikoni.
  • 6+M túttur með hröðu flæði, henti frá sirka 6 mánaða aldri og áfram. Gerðar úr bitsterku sílikoni.


Tútturnar koma 2 stykki saman í pakka.


1.890 kr.

0+ mánaða - slow flow
3+ mánaða - medium flow
6+ mánaða - fast flow
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Natural Flow Nipple Teats

„These nipple teats follow the same standard of quality as I’ve found my other Lola&Lykke products to hit. It’s good they’ve taken into account the changing needs of my baby by growing with her!“

Ideal for mums who want to combine breast and bottle feeding. The soft, breast-shaped teat encourages a natural latch and mimics the feel of a breast, making the switch between breast and bottle as smooth as possible for you and your baby. Compatible with Lola&Lykke baby bottles.


Promotes instinctive suction action and allows your baby to feed comfortably.

The Lola&Lykke® NaturalFlow nipple teat is designed for mums who want to combine breast and bottle feeding. The soft, breast-shaped teat encourages a natural latch and mimics the feel of the breast, making the switch between breast and bottle as smooth as possible for you and your baby.We know that as babies grow, their nursing needs change too. Therefore, we designed more nipple teats to help you keep your baby happy as they take on the bottle. They are sold as a pack of 2.


– Anti-colic valve designed to reduce colic and discomfort.

– Soft teat designed to mimic the feel of the breast.

– Breast-shaped teat allows for a natural latch on, encouraging a smooth transition between breast and bottle.

– Shape designed to help your baby grip easily.

– Optimum venting valve for less air intake and more comfort for baby.

– Always completely BPA-free.

– Compatible with Lola&Lykke® bottles.


Every baby is different but as a guide, we suggest slow flow for 0+ month, medium flow for 3+ months, and fast flow for 6+ months. A pack includes 2 NaturalFlow Nipple Teats.

Lola&lykke Nipple teats 2-pack – size: Newborn

An advanced BPA-free anti-colic teat with a slow flow rate suitable for newborns. This teat is also included in the pump box.

Nipple teat set – size: 3M+

Medium flow teat is recommended for babies of 3+ months old. It has an extra soft silicone teat.

Nipple teat set – size: 6M+

Fast flow teat is recommended for babies of 6+ months old. It has a bite-resistant silicone teat. This sturdier teat is ideal for bottle-feeding.