
Jollein Spiladós Refur

Falleg spiladós frá Jollein sem spilar lagið „You Are My Sunshine“ þegar togað er í spottann.

Original price was: 5.990 kr..Current price is: 2.995 kr..

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Vörunúmer: Jollein-043-001-67077 Flokkar: , , , , Merkimiði:

This little animal will sing for your little one! This fun musical hanger plays the song “you are my sunshine“ when you pull the string. This can have a calming effect on your baby. You can match this musical hanger perfectly with the Animals pacifier cloth. Tip: play the music frequently next to your belly during your pregnancy, and you’ll see that it will be familiar and calming for your new-born. That’s why this musical hanger is a perfect pregnancy gift. People will also love it as a maternity gift.