
Boob Elevate small band bra black

Glæsilegur meðgöngu- og brjóstagjafahaldari frá Boob.

Elevate small band hentar þeim einkum best sem nota stærri skálastærðir og hlutfallslega lítið ummál.


Frábær hönnun á þessum tímamóta haldara.

Hann er saumlaus og gefur mjög góðan stuðning og mótun, en er jafnframt einstaklega lipur og fylgir vel stækkun á brjóstunum.

Á bakstykkinu eru festingarnar extra margar, sem gefa stillingar á breiðu lengdarbili.

Hlýrarnir eru breiðir og fóðraðir, sem dreifir þyngd brjóstanna vel og fer því einstaklega vel með axlir og bak. Smelluna í hlýrunum er auðvelt að opna með einni hendi.

Haldarinn er gerður úr endurunnu polyamide efni sem dregur að sér raka og þornar fljótt.


89% endurunnið polyamide og 11% teygja. Má þvo á 40’C.

Staðalvottun samkvæmt STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®.


Allur fatnaður frá Boob er framleiddur undir ströngustu mannúðar- og umhverfiskröfum. Græn og væn framleiðsla. Fyrir áhugasama mælum við með að lesa um stefnu Boob design hér: https://www.boobdesign.com/about-boob-design/an-innovative-story

12.990 kr.

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Vörunúmer: Boob-09333-0901 Flokkar: , , ,

Designed for moms with a fuller bust and narrow underbust, our best-selling Elevate bra features padded shoulder straps, an extra-long adjustable hook-and-eye section, and hidden boning at the sides. All to give you lift and support where you need it most. It’s seamless and wireless for a minimizing effect, with smart clips that can be easily opened with one hand and a side panel on the inside of the cup for full breast access while nursing. Need a standard fit under the bust? Check out our Elevate bra – regular band.

  • Support level: Extra firm
  • Moisture-wicking and quick-drying material
  • Sustainable materials: 89% recycled polyamide and 11% elastane
  • Nickel-free details
  • Certified according to STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®
  • Made in Turkey by Memteks
  • Machine wash warm (40°), in a wash bag. Do not tumble dry.

When you buy a garment from Boob, you buy a product that has been produced with care. Some of this you can see and feel for yourself, when you wear our clothes. What may be less obvious is the care we show for everything involved in the production; the people and the environment. To us, it’s a given. Individuals and companies alike, we all have the power to make choices that work either for or against a future. At Boob, we make clothes for the future.

For further information, please view: https://www.boobdesign.com/about-boob-design/an-innovative-story


small, medium, large, xlarge