Boob Maternity/Nursing Bra Beige gjafatoppurBoob Maternity/Nursing Bra Beige gjafatoppur

Boob Maternity/Nursing Bra Beige

Dásamlega mjúkur meðgöngu- og brjóstagjafatoppur úr smiðju Boob.


Toppurinn er tvöfaldur yfir brjóstin með breiðri teygju sem veitir þægilegan stuðning. Hannaður til að passa á meðgöngu, fyrir og eftir hana. Hreinlega ómissandi í meðgöngu fataskápinn! Silkimjúkur og fylgir vel breytingum líkamans á meðgöngunni og djúpa hálsmálið gefur fullkomið aðgengi í brjóstagjöfina, jafnt á nóttu sem degi.


Léttur stuðningur

Mjúkt og teygjanlegt bómullar jerseyefni.

92% lífræn bómull og 8% teygja.

Má þvo á 40°C


Staðalvottun samkvæmt STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® og GOTS.


Allur fatnaður frá Boob er framleiddur undir ströngustu mannúðar- og umhverfiskröfum. Græn og væn framleiðsla. Fyrir áhugasama mælum við með að lesa um stefnu Boob design hér:

Original price was: 5.990 kr..Current price is: 2.995 kr..

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Boob Maternity/Nursing Bra Beige

A comfortable maternity and nursing bra with a clean design, featuring a flattering wrap-cut and a racerback. With double-layered cups and a wide elastic band under the bust providing comfortable support. Designed to fit just as nice before, during, and after pregnancy. Simply an essential in your maternity wardrobe.

  • Support Level: Soft
  • Soft and stretchy cotton jersey
  • Sustainable material: 92% organic cotton and 8% elastane
  • Made in China by Kalito
  • Machine wash at 40°C

When you buy a garment from Boob, you buy a product that has been produced with care. Some of this you can see and feel for yourself, when you wear our clothes. What may be less obvious is the care we show for everything involved in the production; the people and the environment. To us, it’s a given. Individuals and companies alike, we all have the power to make choices that work either for or against a future. At Boob, we make clothes for the future.

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