
Boob OONO Merino wool leggings dark grey melange

Mögulega mýkstu og hlýjustu leggings sem þú hefur komist í kynni við.

Einstaklega notaleg og hlý peysa úr merino ull. Merino-ullin með sína dásamlegu eiginleika, einangrar vel, heldur hita hrindir frá bleytu en jafnframt loftar einstaklega vel. Hentar t.d. sérstaklega vel til útiveru eða einfaldlega til að halda góðri hlýju á neðri hluta líkamans.


Fullkomin flík fyrir, á og eftir meðgönguna.


94% lífræn merino ull og 6% teygja.


Má þvo á ullarprógrammi á 30’C.


Staðalvottun samkvæmt STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® og GOTS.


Allur fatnaður frá Boob er framleiddur undir ströngustu mannúðar- og umhverfiskröfum. Græn og væn framleiðsla. Fyrir áhugasama mælum við með að lesa um stefnu Boob design hér:

19.990 kr.

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Vörunúmer: Boob-02736-0942 Flokkar: , , , ,

Possibly the most comfortable leggings you’ve ever had. Made of the softest merino wool, which breathes while it warms and is naturally moisture wicking. Cut to fit just as well before, during and after pregnancy. The high waist can be folded up or down over the stomach, as you like. Wear them for the warmth or just because they’re awesome.

  • Inseam: 65 cm (25 1/2”) in size M / 7/8 length
  • Sustainable material: 94% organic wool (mulesing-free) and 6% elastane
  • Machine wash in a wash bag on the wool/delicate cycle; dry flat
  • Certified according to STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®
  • GOTS certified by Ecocert Greenlife, Licence no 177019
  • Made in Greece by Savas

When you buy a garment from Boob, you buy a product that has been produced with care. Some of this you can see and feel for yourself, when you wear our clothes. What may be less obvious is the care we show for everything involved in the production; the people and the environment. To us, it’s a given. Individuals and companies alike, we all have the power to make choices that work either for or against a future. At Boob, we make clothes for the future.

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