Naghringur, bangsiNaghringur, bangsi

Jollein Naghringur – Bangsi

Nýr naghringur frá Jollein.


Hönnunin á hringnum sér til þess að barnið á auðvelt með að ná góðu gripi á honum og naga með öruggum hætti.
Það má setja naghringinn í ísskáp til kælingar en kældur hringurinn dregur enn frekar úr tanntökuóþægindum hjá litlum gómum. Ekki má setja í frysti


Hringurinn er úr 100% náttúrulegu latexi og að sjálfsögðu BPA frír og án allra eiturefna.
Latex getur valdið ofnæmisviðbrögðum svo það er eitthvað sem þarf að fylgjast með og hafa í huga.



Hringurinn má ekki fara í uppþvottavél. Til að þrífa hann er best að þurrka af honum með rökum klút eða sótthreinsa með Aquaint sótthreinsivatni.

4.700 kr.

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Vörunúmer: Jollein-101-001-67008 Flokkar: , , , Merkimiði:

This teething ring is perfect for all the mouthing and biting that your baby does. When your baby is teething, it can be an extra good idea to have this teething ring prepared in the refrigerator (never in the freezer). The cold teething ring will numb the annoying feeling in their gums a little. This teething ring is extra practical. While teething, your baby may not feel very well. And no wonder: the tooth is coming out through the gums, and this hurts or itches. You can usually see it in the baby’s mouth: a hard bump and red or swollen gums. It’s hard work for your baby! Your little one will like biting on something to soothe the pain. This will ease the pressure on the gums while teething. This teething ring of 100% natural rubber can be used for all ages, and is safe for your baby from 0 months.


100% natural rubber (latex) and does not contain hazardous substances: 100% free of PVC, BPA, phtalates and nitrosamins.


Your child will put this toy in their mouth. That’s why it’s important to always check the ring before use. Remove all plastic, cords and/or attachments before giving the ring to your child. This teething ring is not suitable for boiling or freezing, and may not be put in the microwave or dishwasher. This product contains natural rubber latex, which can cause allergic reactions. So that is important to keep an eye on. Do not leave your child alone with this toy, stay near your child and pay attention. Does not contain hazardous substances like PVC, BPA, phtalates and nitrosamins. In compliance with the safety regulations of EN71.