
Love Boo Splashy Bubbles

Silkimjúkt freyðibað sem ilmar dásamlega!

Splashy Bubbles freyðibaðið hefur hlotið verðlaun Mother&Baby sem besta freyðibaðið fyrir börn!

Hentar sérstaklega vel fyrir litlu krílin og börn með viðkvæma húð. Inniheldur einungis náttúruleg innihadsefni engin paraben, súlföt eða önnur skaðleg aukaefni. Tahitian Monoi gefur einstakan raka og næringu, marshmallow plöntuþykkni hjálpar til við að læsa rakann inn í húðina og mýkjandi hafrar hreinsa húðina ofurvarlega.

Freyðibaðið er einstaklega milt og er öruggt til notkunar frá fæðingu. En líkt og ljósmæður ráðleggja, þá er gott að bíða í 5-6 vikur á meðan náttúrulegar olíur í húð barnsins þroskast og ná jafnvægi.


  • „Fluffy“ og mjúkar freyðandi sápukúlur
  • Veitir raka og hreinsar húðina
  • Þurrkar ekki húðina og hentar því sérstaklega vel fyrir viðkvæma húð


Notkun: Splashy Bubbles freyðir vel og myndar léttar dúnmjúkar loft-sápukúlur. Freyðibaðið er þekkt fyrir að gagnast vel í að vinna á húðexemi barna, þar sem það fer einstaklega vel með viðkvæma húð.

Splashly Bubbles skal blanda við volgt rennandi baðvatn og hræra í. Þá verða til freyðandi sápu-loftbólur.

Splashy Bubbles er öruggt til notkunar frá fæðingu, en líkt og ljósmæður ráðleggja, þá er gott að bíða í 5-6 vikur á meðan náttúrulegar olíur í húð barnsins þroskast og ná jafnvægi.

  • Hentar einstaklega vel fyrir yngstu krílin og börn með viðkvæma, vegna ofur-mýkjandi eiginleika Tahitian monoi og hafra sem eru á meðal innihaldsefna.
  • Sé húð barns mjög þurr, getur reynst vel að sleppa baðferðum um sinn, þar sem vatnið sjálft getur haft þurrkandi áhrif.


Allar Love Boo vörurnar eru framleiddar í Bretlandi. Love Boo ábyrgist að notuð eru innihaldsefni í hæstu mögulegu gæðaflokkum. Öllum skaðlegum innihaldsefnum er hafnað.

  • Engin parabenefni
  • Engar jarðolíur
  • Engin súlföt
  • Engin tilbúin litarefni
  • Engin tríetanólamín TEA
  • Engin díetanólamín DEA

2.190 kr.

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Create soft, long-lasting bubbles with our gentle bubble bath, made in the UK

The best bubbles for babies and children with delicate skin! Our bubble bath, voted Best Baby Skincare by Mother & Baby creates lots of softening bubbles without using SLS or parabens – so it’s perfect for little ones. Suitable from birth upwards, our bubbles contain natural ingredients such as Tahitian monoi, from Tiare blossoms to hydrate and protect, marshmallow plant extract to help lock in moisture and oats to gently cleanse.

  • Creates lots of fluffy, softening bubbles
  • Moisturises and cleanses Baby
  • Non-drying and gentle on delicate skin

How to use: Soft & Splashy Bubbles make lots of softening bubbles known to have helped little ones with eczema as they are super gentle on sensitive skin! Squirt under warm, running water and splash with your hands to make extra foamy bubbles. Safe to use from birth but, like the best midwives, we suggest you wait until Baby is 5 – 6 weeks before use so that the natural oils in Baby’s skin have had time to develop. Did you know…

  • Even babies and children with dry and sensitive skin will benefit from our Bubble’s extra-softening extract of Tahitian monoi and oats.
  • If your baby’s skin is very dry, experts recommend cutting down on bath time and frequency of baths as water on its own can be drying.

Ingredients: All our products are made in the UK. We work with our experienced chemist to find the highest quality ingredients possible. We refuse to include anything in our products that can harm delicate or sensitive skin. This product contains:

Marshmallow plant extract (althaea officinalis root extract): Takes it name from the Greek, altho (to cure). It has great moisturising and anti-inflammatory properties and is also a very good emollient.

Oats (avena sativa): Rich in vitamins & minerals, oats are a great emollient which soften and soothe the skin. It’s also a good cleaning agent.

Tahitian monoi (gardenia tahitensis): Traditionally used by the Polynesian people, Tiare blossoms are soaked in refined coconut oil to produce a uniquely beneficial ingredient used to hydrate and condition skin and hair leaving it ultra soft and moisturised.

Aqua, sodium cocoamphoacetate, sodium lauroyl sarcosinate, cocamidopropyl betaine, lauryl glucoside, decyl glucoside, glycerin, coco-glucoside, glyceryl oleate, althaea officinalis (marshmallow) extract, anthemis nobilis (chamomile) extract, gardenia tahitensis (Tahitian monoi) flower extract, avena sativa (oat) kernel extract, olea europaea leaf extract, parfum, sodium hydroxymethyl glycinate, citric acid.

We source ingredients used in tried and tested remedies and traditions such as Tahitian Monoi, used for hundreds of years by the Polynesian people and Argan Oil, one of the rarest oils in the world and combine them with botanical extracts to create UK-made products with modern benefits. Love Boo treats, nurtures, soothes and makes even the most stressed-out skin feel soft, smooth, moisturised and special.

We make sure we use the highest quality ingredients possible. We refuse to include any harsh ingredients in our products so when we say Hooray, we’ve banned the baddies we mean:

  • No Parabens
  • No Petrochemicals
  • No Sulphates
  • No Synthetic colours
  • No Triethanolamine (TEA)
  • No Diethanolamine (DEA)

Even though our products are packed with kind ingredients, as with all baby toiletries we recommend you do a small patch test first. Ooh, and it goes without saying we don’t believe in testing on our furry friends.