
Lúlla dúkkan / Lulla doll by RoRo

Börn sofa betur, líður betur og eru örugg með Lúllu sinni <3


Lúlla er silkimjúk tuskudúkka, gerð úr bómull, sem líkir eftir nærveru við aðra manneskju. Inni í henni er tæki sem spilar upptöku af hjartslætti og andardrætti móður í slökun.


Hugmyndin að Lúllu er byggð á niðurstöðum fjölmargra rannsókna á sviði heilbrigðisvísinda. Rannsóknir sýna að andardráttur og hjartsláttur er jafnari þegar ungbörn finna fyrir nærveru foreldra sinna, þeim líður almennt betur, þau hvílast betur og sofa lengur. Þetta verður aftur til þess að allur taugaþroski eflist. Aukin vellíðan barna og betri svefn hefur einnig jákvæð áhrif á foreldra. Þannig verður til jákvæð hringrás þar sem hver þáttur styður við annan.


Upphaflega var Lúlla ætluð ungbörnum. Við þróun var þó sérstaklega hugsað til fyrirbura og veikra ungbarna sem upplifa skerta nærveru og þurfa að liggja ein yfir nætur á spítala, en dúkkan á þá að virka eins og nokkurskonar staðgengill foreldra. Þessi börn eru líka viðkvæmustu einstaklingarnir og þurfa á mestum stuðningi að halda.  En Lúlla hefur slegið í gegn hjá börnum upp í leikskólaaldur og hefur komið sér vel þegar skipta á um rúm eða byrja í hvíld á leikskólanum. Einnig hefur Lúlla reynst börnum með ADHD vel. Þá hefur Lúlla gagnast vel fólki sem glímir við Alzheimer sjúkdóminn.


Nýja Lúlla:


* spilun í 12 klst (í stað 8 klst áður)
* stillanlegur hljóðstyrkur (einungis einn hljóðstyrkur áður)
* enn betri ending á batteríum
* enn betri hljóðgæði


* þrjár litaútgáfur (ein útgáfa áður)
* öll smáatriði (augu, munnur, hjarta) eru útsaumuð (prentun áður)
* ennþá mýkri en áður, en jafnframt dregur vel í sig lykt og má setja í þvottavél
* þynging í líkama Lúllu svo hún situr betur sjálf (án þyngingar áður)


* kemur í fallega skreyttum og merktum kassa þar sem hún sést vel + svefnpoki Lúllu fylgir (kom í svefnpokanum áður)
* enskur, spænskur og franskur texti á umbúðunum
* leiðbeiningar á ensku, spænsku, frönsku, þýsku og ítölsku (eingöngu enska áður)

Nýja Lúlla:


* spilun í 12 klst (í stað 8 klst áður)
* stillanlegur hljóðstyrkur (einungis einn hljóðstyrkur áður)
* enn betri ending á batteríum
* enn betri hljóðgæði

* þrjár litaútgáfur (ein útgáfa áður)
* öll smáatriði (augu, munnur, hjarta) eru útsaumuð (prentun áður)
* ennþá mýkri en áður, en jafnframt dregur vel í sig lykt og má setja í þvottavél
* þynging í líkama Lúllu svo hún situr betur sjálf (án þyngingar áður)

* kemur í fallega skreyttum og merktum kassa þar sem hún sést vel + svefnpoki Lúllu fylgir (kom í svefnpokanum áður)
* enskur, spænskur og franskur texti á umbúðunum
* leiðbeiningar á ensku, spænsku, frönsku, þýsku og ítölsku (eingöngu enska áður)

9.990 kr.

lulla coral - bleik
lulla lilac - fjólublá
lulla sky - blá
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Vörunúmer: Lulladoll-RO Flokkar: , , ,

„I cannot praise this product high enough. From day 1, my daughter became very attached to it and has finally started to fall asleep easier & stay asleep for longer. This little doll has been a lifesaver. Thank you!“ -Mandy P.

Lulla doll is a soother and sleep companion for preemies, babies, toddlers and beyond. It imitates closeness to a caregiver at rest with its soft feel and soothing sounds of real-life breathing and heartbeat. Lulla plays for 12 hours to provide comfort all night long. The doll is machine washable and comes with 2 AA batteries.

Lulla is loved by thousands of parents and children and used in homes and hospitals worldwide.

Designed in Iceland and inspired by scientific research on closeness, sleep and wellbeing – the Lulla doll was in development for three years with the help of doctors, nurses, psychologists, parents and babies.

Fabric: Cotton & polyester blend



How to use the Lulla doll?

Press Lulla’s chest for 3 seconds to turn the sound on/off. The sound turns off automatically in 12 hours. It resets every time you push it off/on.

The doll can be placed with or near the child to give a feeling of closeness and comfort and to help the child fall asleep as well as stay asleep. Keep the doll close to your skin before giving it to the child. That way the doll can absorb your scent to give the child an added feeling of comfort and safety.

The neutral look and colors of the Lulla doll were chosen to make it a suitable companion for all children, regardless of gender and race.


How is the Lulla doll different from other soothing plush sound machines?

Both the purpose and the design of the Lulla Doll differs from other seemingly similar products. The purpose of most other sleep related toys is to help babies fall asleep with the help of white noise, sometimes resembling womb sounds.

The Lulla Doll, on the other hand, is designed to help babies stay asleep for longer periods at a time, and to help babies stabilize and feel safe. It is imitating closeness to another person, more than trying to replicate the womb experience.

The doll aims to do this with its unique real-life sounds that play for 12 hours. Other products only stay on for 15-45 minutes (or are movement activated), the sound file is not as large and the sounds are often not real-life


Is the doll safe for newborns?

The Lulla doll is thoroughly safety tested to be suitable for newborns. However, it is not recommended to have loose items in a crib with a sleeping newborn from birth to 12 months.

Because of this the doll is also designed to be a crib-attachment, with velcro straps hidden in a pocket on its back for easy attachment to most cribs, car seats, strollers and other carriers.

The volume of the sound is 65dB making it safe for babies sensitive hearing.


Is the doll suitable for premature babies?

The Lulla doll was especially designed to help premature babies and children with serious illnesses. They often have to spend extended time in isolation or separation from their parents and are in even greater need for comfort and stability.

For added safety for the most sensitive children, the Lulla doll can be washed at 60 degrees Celsius (hot) to eliminate most bacteria.

Keep in mind that repeated washing at high temperature might affect the dolls appearance and shape.


How long do the batteries last?

The sound-box uses two AA batteries. We recommend using rechargeable batteries to help protect our environment. Two AA alkaline batteries can last for up to 300 hours in the Lulla doll.

The time duration depends heavily on the quality of the batteries and the difference can be up to 85%! Better quality batteries cost more but then again they are more reliable and last for longer. Rechargeable batteries do not last as long as they are 1.2V (regulars are 1.5V). But you can use them over and over again making them the best long term investment. Also keep in mind that batteries are sensitive, they need to be stored properly and can get damaged with age and rechargeable batteries can loose their capacity with repeated use.

Here are a few brands of alkalines that have gotten great customer ratings for long lasting performance, in parentheses we included their top brand types :

  • Duracell (Quantum, Copper Top, Ultra Power),
  • Panasonic (Evolta, Pro Power),
  • Energizer (Eco Advanced is their longest lasting alkaline)

In every test we found of rechargeable batteries Panasonic Eneloop stands out as a top performer. There are a lot of chargers on the market and, as with batteries, quality varies a lot. The best inexpensive charger we could find was also the Panasonic Eneloop charger- you can even buy it in a bundle at Amazon.


Would you recommend it for older children?

We have had many reports from parents who use it with good success with older children who have trouble calming down, falling asleep or sleeping by themselves. Older children can face a lot of sleep related challenges as well as newborns, just of a different kind. Like switching to a bigger bed, sleeping in their own room, sleeping outside of the home overnight, and going to daycare.

In these cases the Lulla Doll can help to make them feel calmer and safer.


Is the Lulla doll machine washable?


For general purposes we recommend machine washing the Lulla doll at 40 degrees celsius (warm) and hang to dry. The soundbox must be removed prior to washing, which is easily done as it is placed in a velcro pocket on the back of the doll.

We recommend using a washing bag and going easy on the spinning. If necessary, gently readjust the filling after washing to help the doll regain its former shape. For added safety for the most sensitive children, the Lulla doll can be washed at 60 degrees Celsius (hot) to eliminate most bacteria.

Keep in mind that repeated washing at high temperature might affect the dolls appearance.

Why is it not sound/motion activated?

Many sleep toys are sound or motion activated with the purpose of helping babies fall back asleep if they wake up during the night.

We want to help babies not to wake up as frequently and also to help them keep their heartbeat and breathing more stable during sleep. This is achieved by having the sound on continuously.

Babies and children wake up and seek the same sleep cue they went to sleep with. It is one of the things that make the Lulla Doll so different. White noise that is activated once the baby wakes and cries is too late. By then your little one has fully woken and it’s really hard to come down from that.

Lulla gets them when they are in the semi-responsive state and gives them the confidence to self settle themselves when they hear her reassuring heartbeat and breathing, just like they would do when they co-sleep on you or with you.


Does Lulla doll work with motion sensors pads?

Yes it can. Although, when using motion sensor pads, such as Angel Care, we recommend that the sensitivity is tested with the doll alone, where it will be situated with the baby during sleep.

Lulla emits sounds of a heart beating which generates small movements. This can be detected by motion sensor pads if they are set to the highest sensitivity and the doll is situated directly on the sensor pad.

However, pediatric guidelines recommend to parents to not have anything loose in the baby’s sleep environment before the age of 12 months. Therefore, the Lulla doll has velcro straps and can be attached to the crib or be placed outside the crib


Where is the doll made?

The doll is designed and engineered in Iceland and manufactured by hand in China.

Because the dolls are handmade, there are slight variations in the shape of the dolls. We carefully chose skilled manufacturers to make our Lulla dolls and we chose natural materials and good quality parts to go inside the sound unit for better sound and longer playing time than most other toys.

Overseeing our production is an Icelandic company located in China that has extensive experience in the toy industry. Our manufacturers are inspected regularly by a third party inspection agency and have all the necessary standards in place.

The doll itself is also thoroughly safety tested by a third party international company.


lulla coral – bleik, lulla lilac – fjólublá, lulla sky – blá