Boob Nursing Sweatshirt Indigo BlueBoob Nursing Sweatshirt Indigo Blue

Boob Nursing Sweatshirt Indigo Blue

Nauðsynleg meðgöngu- og brjóstagjafapeysa í fataskápinn þinn.


Framan á peysunni er tvöfaldur rennilás sem veitir einstaklega gott aðgengi fyrir brjóstagjöf án þess að vera áberandi. Peysan er úr dásamlega mjúku og góðu heavy french terry efni.


Lengd frá öxl er 68cm í stærð M


100% lífræn bómull

Má þvo á 40°


Staðalvottun samkvæmt STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® og GOTS.


Allur fatnaður frá Boob er framleiddur undir ströngustu mannúðar- og umhverfiskröfum. Græn og væn framleiðsla. Fyrir áhugasama mælum við með að lesa um stefnu Boob design hér:

15.990 kr.

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Vörunúmer: Boob-01237-0555 Flokkar: , , , Merkimiði:

Boob Nursing Sweatshirt Indigo Blue

This classic French terry nursing sweatshirt is sure to become a staple in your maternity wardrobe. A nursing sweatshirt featuring a hidden 2-way zipper over the chest, allowing smooth opening from either side when it’s time to breastfeed. It’s a true game-changer and a reliable choice for simplifying your daily nursing routine. Simply put, it’s an essential addition to your maternity wardrobe.

  • Heavy French terry, classic sweatshirt quality
  • Sustainable material: 100% organic cotton
  • Made in China by Kalito
  • Length from shoulder: 68cm in size M
  • Machine wash 40°


When you buy a garment from Boob, you buy a product that has been produced with care. Some of this you can see and feel for yourself, when you wear our clothes. What may be less obvious is the care we show for everything involved in the production; the people and the environment. To us, it’s a given. Individuals and companies alike, we all have the power to make choices that work either for or against a future. At Boob, we make clothes for the future.

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